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Filecoin is the L1 blockchain and storage network uniquely poised to power the open data economy. The mission of Filecoin is to create a decentralized, efficient, and robust foundation for humanity’s information.


🏆 Filecoin Prize$11,000
1st place
2nd place
3rd place
Awarded to the top 3 projects overall submitting to any of the Filecoin tracks - Data Apps, AI Tools or Privacy Tools.
💽 Data Apps$3,000
Best project built on Filecoin storage services (e.g. lighthouse or web3.storage) or using FVM (Filecoin Solidity Library) directly to make data management flow smoothly.

Qualification Requirements

Examples: industry specific storage apps xxx.storage, perpetual storage, data aggregators, data caching nodes, truestless notaries & retrieval oracles.

🦾 AI Tools$3,000
It is powerful to combine verifiable & decentralized storage primitives with AI. We encourage hackers to come up with use cases in the life cycle in training, developing, and using that makes use of the core competence of Filecoin Network.

Qualification Requirements

Ideas such as a transparent training process, AI dataset marketplace, decentralized storage and retrieval of AI models, federated learning, etc. are welcomed.

🕵️ Privacy Tools$3,000
Data privacy and access control are hard topics for any decentralized storage system. We want to award hackers that use zero-knowledge proofs and/or decentralized identity or other means for access control on Filecoin Network.

Qualification Requirements

Keep processing of data trusted and data content private while keeping the verification information public.


Polygon Labs is a software development company building and developing a network of aggregated blockchains via the AggLayer, secured by Ethereum. As public infrastructure, the AggLayer will bring together user bases and liquidity for any connected chain, and leverage Ethereum as a settlement layer. Polygon Labs has also contributed to the core development of several widely-adopted scaling protocols and tools for launching blockchains, including Polygon PoS, Polygon zkEVM, and Polygon Miden, which is in development as well as Polygon CDK.


🔒 Best ZK dApp$8,000
1st place
2nd place
3rd place
4th place
5th place
We're seeking dApps that leverage zero-knowledge (zk) technology to create secure and privacy-preserving applications on the Polygon Cardona Testnet. This bounty is aimed at projects that push the boundaries of zk technology, offering innovative solutions and demonstrating the potential of zk in various domains. ✅ Ideal Project - Technical Prowess: Demonstrates advanced use of zk technology, such as using Plonky3, Polygon ID, or other zk tools. - Security and Privacy: Focuses on creating secure, privacy-preserving solutions that protect user data and interactions. - Market Potential: Demonstrates potential for incubation at Polygon Village, evolving into a marketable product with a clear understanding of the zkEVM's capabilities applied creatively. - User Engagement: Offers a smooth and secure user experience with support for user registrations and interactions. 💡Ideas - Plonky3: Projects using Plonky3 for zk applications. - Polygon ID: dApps that integrate Polygon ID for identity solutions. - SP1: Projects leveraging SP1 for verifiable off-chain computation.

Qualification Requirements

- Deployment: Your zkDApp must be fully deployed on the Polygon Cardona Testnet or Polygon zkEVM Mainnet, with a functional frontend for seamless interaction with your smart contract(s). - Innovation and Utility: Projects should be original, address real-world problems, and showcase potential for significant impact through zk technology. - Blockchain Interaction: Your project must demonstrate writing capabilities to the blockchain. - Video Walkthrough: Submit a video walkthrough of the implementation and a working demo.

🌉 Unified Bridge zkEVM Extension$4,000
1st place
2nd place
3rd place
At the heart of Polygon’s new architecture lies the Unified Bridge. The Unified Bridge facilitates cross-chain communication across chains connected to the AggLayer. We’re challenging you to develop a fully functional implementation of the unified bridge that allows seamless transfer of Ethereum across different chains without wrapping. ✅ Ideal Project - Seamless Integration: Smoothly transfers Ethereum (other assets will work too) across multiple chains, retaining its original form. - User Experience: Provides a user-friendly interface for easy interaction with the unified bridge. - Comprehensive Security: Implements robust security measures to protect user assets and data. - Scalable and Efficient: Designed to handle multiple users and transactions efficiently. - Innovation and Impact: Demonstrates innovative use of the unified bridge to solve real-world problems, potentially inspiring further development and applications. 💡Project Ideas - Cross-Chain App : Develop a reference application that demonstrates the use of the unified bridge in a cross-chain context.

Qualification Requirements

- Demo: Create a demo showcasing the transfer of either L1 to L2 or L2 to L2 transaction from one chain to another using the unified bridge (it can include Ethereum, Polygon zkEVM among others). - Transfer Integrity: Ensure that the transferred Ethereum retains its original form and is not wrapped(i.e, it is ETH and not WETH, ETH.e etc). - Documentation: Provide detailed documentation, including setup instructions and a user guide. - Video Walkthrough: Submit a video walkthrough of the implementation and a working demo.

💻 Best Use of Polygon CDK$8,000
1st place
2nd place
3rd place
4th place
5th place
Polygon Chain Development Kit (CDK) is a modular, open-source stack for devs to launch new L2 chains on Ethereum. Using the CDK, you can quickly set up a full ZK-powered L2 chain locally in less than 30 minutes. 💡Project Ideas - Build the next big L2: Have an idea for a new Layer 2 chain that will blow people’s minds? Using the CDK, build a fully flexible L2 with custom logic such as legal regulations, transaction rules, or a new point-farming system. It’s up to you! - Launch a custom-made L2 to run your dApp: What would you build if you could tweak every aspect of the chain you’re building on? With the flexibility of the CDK, build a new chain specifically tailored to your dApp/game. - Using the CDK to build Infra Tooling: Make it easier for people to use the CDK so that a grandma could launch the next big L2. Ship some tooling to make it easier for users to customize the aspects of their L2 chain and launch it to the world. - Cross-Chain App : Develop a reference application that demonstrates the use of the unified bridge in a cross-chain context. - Video Walkthrough: Submit a video walkthrough of the implementation and a working demo.

Qualification Requirements

Build Your Own L2: As part of your submission, your solution must either be built on top of a custom L2 that you made using the CDK or utilize the CDK in other creative ways.


PancakeSwap, a leading multichain DEX, provides a seamless trading experience across multiple blockchains (Ethereum, BNB Chain, Arbitum, Base, Linea, zkSync Era, Polygon zkEVM, Aptos, and opBNB). Since its launch in 2020, PancakeSwap has become one of the most popular DEX in the crypto space, well known for its low fees, quick transactions, and user-friendly interface. It has achieved a remarkable $809.6 billion in total trading volume, $2.146 billion in locked liquidity, and has a lively community of 2.1 million active users, solidifying its position as the top multichain DEX. PancakeSwap launched the v4 whitepaper in March 2024, marking a significant advancement in the mission to innovate and empower DeFi. This major upgrade tackles existing DeFi challenges with several key features: Hooks: Hooks enable liquidity pools to integrate with externally deployed contracts, allowing for custom features such as dynamic fees, different order types, unique oracles, and modules for active liquidity management. Custom Pool Types and Donate: From the established CLAMM to the innovative Liquidity Book AMM with Hooks, PancakeSwap v4 supports a wide variety of pool types and can accommodate any new AMM model that might be developed, offering unmatched flexibility and incentives for liquidity providers and traders. Singleton and Flash Accounting: This feature reduces gas costs by consolidating all pools into a single contract, introducing net balance computations, and optimizing transactions. PancakeSwap v4 is open-source, encouraging community-driven development and collaboration. We invite developers to join us in shaping the future of DeFi. As part of our ongoing commitment to supporting developers with the $500K developer grant program, PancakeSwap is thrilled to announce a hackathon boasting a $20,000 prize pool. This hackathon will encourage developers to bring their creative hook ideas to life, driving the evolution of the PancakeSwap ecosystem. Join us in this new era of DeFi innovation with PancakeSwap v4.


🪝 Best use of Hook return delta$4,000
1st place
2nd place
V4 Hooks can now modify net delta to be settled by the caller using Hook return delta implementation. Possible ideas include: 1. Safeguard against MEV, JIT liquidity attacks 2. Implement new pricing curves, e.g. create synthetic assets that track RWA prices (stocks, commodities, indices) 3. Incentivise specific swapping / liquidity provision behaviour 4. Conditional Liquidity Provision / Swapping: Disallow actions under certain market conditions, e.g. - price floors, and minimum liquidity amount during volatile markets to offer better trade execution

Qualification Requirements

1. GitHub repository with viewable code 2. Comprehensive README guide for judges to understand code implementation 3. Code must be functional and easily executable 4. All the hooks MUST be submitted through hooks submission form listed under resources

🚀 Innovative DeFi apps$8,000
1st place
2nd place
3rd place
Build DeFi applications on PancakeSwap v4 using Hooks. Possible ideas include: 1. Yield Optimization: Enhance APRs and capital efficiency for LPs by depositing idle liquidity in vaults through external integrations like Yearn, Beefy 2. AMM-based lending platform e.g. Oracleless lending 3. Token Buyback & Burn for protocols to manage treasury; Automated portfolio management for users 4. AMM-based Derivatives such as perpetuals, leveraged tokens, or digital options 5. Launchpad: Raise funds, launch tokens, lock liquidity to prevent rugs

Qualification Requirements

1. GitHub repository with viewable code 2. Comprehensive README guide for judges to understand code implementation 3. Code must be functional and easily executable 4. All the hooks MUST be submitted through hooks submission form listed under resources

💻 Most creative hook ideas$8,000
1st place
2nd place
3rd place
Possible ideas include: 1. Unified Orderbook + AMM: Interoperable AMM & Orderbook style order matching on Liquidity Book AMM 2. Use historical on-chain data to support loyalty programs / incentivisation through external integrations like Brevis 3. Index Tokens: Create index tokens and manage the rebalancing of constituents based on predefined rules 4. Yield-Swaps: Exchange variable Fee APR of an AMM for a fixed APR

Qualification Requirements

1. GitHub repository with viewable code 2. Comprehensive README guide for judges to understand code implementation 3. Code must be functional and easily executable 4. All the hooks MUST be submitted through hooks submission form listed under resources


Designed with you in mind, Arbitrum is the leading Layer 2 technology that empowers you to explore and build in the largest Layer 1 ecosystem, Ethereum. We have two new technologies that we'd love you to have a play with: Stylus, which allows you to write your smart contracts in Rust; and Orbit which let you create your own custom blockchains anchored to Ethereum or Arbitrum.


✒️ Stylus Project$7,000
1st place
2nd place
3rd place
Stylus lets you write smart contracts in programming languages that compile down to WASM, such as Rust, C, C++, and many others. Stylus contracts are over an order of magnitude faster with significantly lower gas fees. Deploy an application on the Arbitrum Sepolia testnet and take advantage of Stylus’ improved speed, cost, and performance. Access features (such as floating point arithmetic, or crypto routines) that are not available in Solidity.

Qualification Requirements

- Deploy your contracts on Arbitrum Sepolia Testnet. - Host your submission in an open source GitHub repository - Is written in Rust using the Stylus Rust SDK (or otherwise compiles to WASM)

⛓️ Best Orbit Chain Project$7,000
1st place
2nd place
3rd place
Best novel use for a project deployed on a custom Orbit chain. Orbit Chains can be a Layer 2 (L2) chain which settles directly to Ethereum, or a Layer 3 (L3) chain which can settle to any Ethereum L2, such as Arbitrum One.

Qualification Requirements

- Must be deployed onto your own Orbit custom chain - Host your submission in an open source GitHub repository

🏆 Best General Project Built on Arbitrum Technology$6,000
Up to 4 teams will receive $1,500
Built something cool using Arbitrum that doesn't fit our other categories? This is the one for you. This could be something DeSoc related, like an Arbitrum Farcaster Frame, an eCommerce application, or Governance system. We encourage you to be creative, and show us something we may have never seen before!

Qualification Requirements

- Deployed on Arbitrum One, Arbitrum Nova, Arbitrum Sepolia. - Host your submission in an open source GitHub repository


Stylus workshop - Proxy Update of the Logic C...

In this workshop we'll go through the basics of Stylus and what to take into account when upgrading the logic contr...

This workshop is happening in-person

04:30 PM BST — Friday, Jul 12, 2024 in Workshop Room 4


LayerZero is an immutable, censorship-resistant, and permissionless smart contract protocol that enables anyone on a blockchain to send, verify, and execute messages on any supported destination network.


🏆 Best Omnichain Implementation$20,000
1st place
2nd place
Best Developer Feedback
Deploy your dApp using LayerZero V2 and leverage our permissionless infrastructure, composable omnichain execution, and contract standards to win!

Qualification Requirements

To qualify for the Best Omnichain Implementation track, participants must adhere to the following criteria: 1. Interact with the LayerZero Endpoint contract using either the LayerZero Contracts Library or your own custom integration to send / receive a cross-chain message. 2. Extend the Base Contract Logic: It's not sufficient to simply inherit the OApp / OFT / Endpoint interface contracts; the developer must also extend it. This means adding new functionalities, features, or optimizations that create new cross-chain use cases. The extension should demonstrate innovation and an advanced understanding of the LayerZero tech-stack. 3. Working Demo: Hackathons have a tough time crunch, and we respect you all for learning to work with our tools so fast! Please focus on having the core contract working, and clean the rest up after. 4. Feedback Form:When hacking, hard to use, buggy, or confusing documentation and tooling can ruin your experience! Please take the time to submit any feedback that you think might be useful for how we can improve your lives when building on LayerZero! The best feedback submission will win $750!


Intro to LayerZero V2 & Omnichain Apps for Be...

The largest hacks in the blockchain industry paint the picture that building cross-chain apps is hard, but it doesn...

This workshop is happening in-person

05:00 PM BST — Friday, Jul 12, 2024 in Workshop Room 1


Blockscout is a full-featured, open-source block explorer supporting chains throughout the ecosystem. Applications can use Blockscout in the same ways they use other explorers - to track transactions & addresses, verify and interact with smart contracts, and connect with APIs to enable application functionality. There are several APIs available including RPC endpoints (which can easily substituted for any Etherscan calls), ETH RPC endpoints and REST API endpoints.


🔭 Best use of Blockscout Block Explorer$20,000
Split evenly between all qualifying projects
We need more 👀 and 👂 on Blockscout! To achieve this, we need apps to start using Blockscout's robust APIs and link to Blockscout when users are checking transactions, addresses and tokens. This is a great add-on bounty as Blockscout is compatible with many chains. Incorporate Blockscout into your hackathon project and qualify for a share of the pool prize!

Qualification Requirements

We want to see how your project incorporates Blockscout. When applying for this bounty, please provide links/screenshots and clearly state how you used Blockscout with your project. 1. Use Blockscout instead of Etherscan or another explorer in your app. Typically this means using the Blockscout APIs and linking to Blockscout for users interacting with your app (ie transaction links should go to Blockscout rather than another explorer). We have a REST API as well as RPC API endpoints available for use. 2. Verify your smart contract(s) using Blockscout. 3. Show Blockscout in your presentation. Show Blockscout in your presentation when checking transactions! 4. Optional - prepare and submit your DApp to the DAppscout marketplace.


Building the world’s largest identity and financial network to serve as a public utility, giving ownership to everyone.
Prize details coming soon


The Uniswap Foundation supports a community of individuals and organizations dedicated to a more open, fair and decentralized financial system. We achieve this mission through three pillars: Growth, Innovation & Advocacy.
Prize details coming soon


Zircuit is a fully EVM-compatible ZK rollup with parallelized circuits and AI-enabled security at the sequencer level. Built by a team of web3 security veterans and PhDs in computer science, algorithms, and cryptography, Zircuit is backed by Pantera Capital, Dragonfly Capital, and Maelstrom.


🌟 Best Project on Zircuit$2,500
The best projects that deploy on Zircuit will win this prize. The code should be well engineered, tested, and have a compelling use case. These gems are the projects that will inspire future hackathon projects because of their outstanding quality. Remember: deploying on Zircuit is as easy as changing your endpoint in your favorite development framework + as long as the contracts are deployed on Zircuit and verified, the project is eligible. A successful submission will include a functional prototype that solves the problem it’s intended to address. It will showcase some innovation/creativity, either through technological or UI improvements. It may be complete and solve a long-standing open problem or introduce something with a lot of potential for future development. Either way, it has an impact on the Zircuit ecosystem. Winning projects should have a user-centered design that makes it easy for their audience. This can be end users or developers. The best may also include clean and consistent visual designs. Any interesting blockchain applications are welcome. Novel ideas are more impressive than clones of existing projects, though there are certainly times where clones include significant improvements. Any use case and features are welcome! Those that are very technical may impress the judges if done correctly but simpler ideas may be easier to do well. This bounty will be judged based on completeness, execution, and creativity.

Qualification Requirements

- Project contracts must be deployed on the Zircuit Testnet and verified via the Zircuit Explorer. - A GitHub repository containing the project artifacts (contracts, tests, documentation) and a solid README or short video demo of the project. The README should include: 1) a clear short one-sentence description of your submission. 2) a short description of what you integrated Zircuit with and how. 3) a short description of the team and their backgrounds. 4) clear instructions for testing the integration. 5) feedback describing your experience with building on Zircuit. 6) optionally, a short video demo or slide deck.

🧩 Best Zircuit Integration or Analytics$1,875
Integrate Zircuit into your favorite web3 project. Bring Zircuit to wallets, dev tools, bridges, or any other dApp. Grow the Zircuit Ecosystem by connecting Zircuit to the best that web3 has to offer. Success looks like Zircuit running with an on- or off-chain app or tool that didn’t support it before. Or it involves an on- or off-chain analytics application that targets Zircuit. It could involve the bridge, gas spendings, active nodes on the network, deployed smart contracts, or anything else. Feel free to bring your best data science to visualize the Zircuit ecosystem. The submission should be correct and functional, but does not need to be complicated. Some integrations can be as simple as adding a chain ID or a node URL to a file. The project should have an impact on the Zircuit ecosystem by expanding its reach or enabling data analytics. A successful submission will include a functional prototype that solves the problem it’s intended to address. It will showcase some innovation and creativity, either through technological or UI improvements. It may be complete and solve a long-standing open problem or introduce something with a lot of potential for future development. Either way, it has an impact on the Zircuit ecosystem. This bounty will be judged based on completeness, usefulness, execution, and creativity.

Qualification Requirements

- Project contracts must be deployed on the Zircuit Testnet and verified via the Zircuit Explorer. - A GitHub repository containing the project artifacts (contracts, tests, documentation) and a solid README or short video demo of the project. The README should include: 1) a clear short one-sentence description of your submission. 2) a short description of what you integrated Zircuit with and how. 3) a short description of the team and their backgrounds. 4) clear instructions for testing the integration. 5) feedback describing your experience with building on Zircuit. 6) optionally, a short video demo or slide deck.

🔥 Best DeFi Project on Zircuit$1,875
Zicuit’s full EVM compatibility means that everything can scale, securely. Apply your hacking skills to generate the best APY or improve the user experience of DeFi for the masses on Zircuit. This prize will be split among the best DeFi protocols that deploy on Zircuit, with quality, security, and novelty being the deciding factors. Remember: deploying on Zircuit is as easy as changing your endpoint in your favorite development framework and a project is eligible as long as the contracts are deployed on Zircuit and verified. These DeFi protocols are the ones that will launch a new DeFi summer. Your project should be clearly identifiable as a DeFi protocol. Quality, completeness, and security are paramount. A protocol that lets you (or others!) steal from your users is not a winning submission. Use cases should be well thought out and documented. Through superior UI/UX or novel use cases for staking, your project should aim to give well established DeFi juggernauts cause for concern. This bounty will be judged based on completeness, execution, & creativity.

Qualification Requirements

- Project contracts must be deployed on the Zircuit Testnet and verified via the Zircuit Explorer. - A GitHub repository containing the project artifacts (contracts, tests, documentation) and a solid README or short video demo of the project. The README should include: 1) a clear short one-sentence description of your submission. 2) a short description of what you integrated Zircuit with and how. 3) a short description of the team and their backgrounds. 4) clear instructions for testing the integration. 5) feedback describing your experience with building on Zircuit. 6)voptionally, a short video demo or slide deck.

👾 Best Gaming, NFT, or Social Project on Zircuit$1,875
Zicuit’s full EVM compatibility means that everything can scale, securely. Hack your way to fame by bringing collectibles, games, likes, or anything else to Zircuit. Use Zircuit to build the best web3 social dApp with lower fees than Ethereum. This prize will be split among the best gaming, NFT, or social dApps that deploy on Zircuit. Remember: deploying on Zircuit is as easy as changing your endpoint in your favorite development framework and a project is eligible as long as the contracts are deployed on Zircuit and verified. This bounty will be judged based on completeness, execution, and creativity.

Qualification Requirements

- Project contracts must be deployed on the Zircuit Testnet and verified via the Zircuit Explorer. - A GitHub repository containing the project artifacts (contracts, tests, documentation) and a solid README or short video demo of the project

🎨 Most Creative Project Deployed on Zircuit$1,875
Zircuit is a new ZK rollup that aims to scale Ethereum securely. Bring your most unique idea to Zircuit to test out its lower fees and fast finality. This prize will be awarded to a project which feels least like something else that has been done before. Remember: deploying on Zircuit is as easy as changing your endpoint in your favorite development framework and a project is eligible as long as the contracts are deployed on Zircuit and verified. Creativity is paramount on this bounty. Winning projects should motivate their decision to build this solution, indicating which new problem they are solving, how they are solving a problem differently, or what new technology they are bringing to Zircuit. This bounty will be judged based on completeness, execution, and creativity.

Qualification Requirements

- Project contracts must be deployed on the Zircuit Testnet and verified via the Zircuit Explorer. - A GitHub repository containing the project artifacts (contracts, tests, documentation) and a solid README or short video demo of the project. The README should include: 1) a clear short one-sentence description of your submission. 2) a short description of what you integrated Zircuit with and how. 3) a short description of the team and their backgrounds. 4) clear instructions for testing the integration. 5) feedback describing your experience with building on Zircuit. 6) optionally, a short video demo or slide deck.


Using Layer 2 Blockchains: A Hands-On Intro ...

Participants will receive a practical introduction to using rollups. Rollups are popular Layer 2 solution that aim ...

This workshop is happening in-person

02:00 PM BST — Friday, Jul 12, 2024 in Workshop Room 1


At Nethermind, we love pushing the boundaries of what's possible within the blockchain ecosystem. We invite you to leverage our tools, expertise and partnerships to bring your best ideas to life. Our work spans many areas of blockchain development, including staking innovations, the integration of AI with blockchain, advancements in ZK proofs, MEV innovations, institutional solutions, security-driven development, transaction preconfirmations, large-scale computational applications, and the development of Starknet tooling and infrastructure.


🏆 Best zkML project$2,500
Build a project that combines zk technology and machine learning. You might consider designing a protocol or a piece of a protocol for one of the following: - Proving correct inference of a machine learning model. - Proving correct training of a model. - Federated learning. - Others: surprise us with your creativity! The list of references below is not exhaustive by any means, we also encourage you to look for your own references.

Qualification Requirements

- The project must be centered around the topics of machine learning and zero-knowledge proofs. - The project will be judged based on: - The quality and originality of the cryptography underlying the project. That is, we will value projects that propose cryptographic protocols that are effective and creative in tackling the project’s goals. - The quality of the implementation. - Amount of work done during the event.

🏆 Best Security Driven Development$2,500
Considering security from the beginning of your project is the best way to ensure your code is secure. Your project should demonstrate that security was a forethought during development, featuring high-quality test suites and use of security tooling.

Qualification Requirements

- Utilize one or more of the following (ordered from highest to lowest in weighting) - Forta network (onchain monitoring) - Stateful fuzzing - Symbolic execution - Stateless fuzzing - We will consider how comprehensive the coverage of your codebase is - Other security focused tooling, methodologies, or ideas are welcome too!

🏆 Preconfirmations Innovation$2,500
This prize spotlights innovations that aim to address, optimise or innovate in the realm of Preconfirmations on Ethereum. We encourage diverse projects, from theoretical explorations to practical applications, with a particular emphasis on Preconfirmations. We invite participants to draw inspiration from the pioneering work of Flashbots, SUAVE, and ongoing Ethereum community research. Suggested areas of focus include: - Inclusion Preconfirmations: Solutions that enhance Ethereum's transaction ordering process, with a focus on inclusion preconfirmation mechanisms. - Pricing Preconfirmations: Develop solutions for efficient and transparent pricing in preconfirmation processes. - Data Dashboards: Development of tools and dashboards that provide insights into preconfirmation activities across existing infrastructure. - Research Applications: Theoretical or applied research projects that contribute to the understanding and effective use of preconfirmations.

Qualification Requirements

Pricing of preconfirmations and block space options. Infrastructure to enable execution preconfirmations Infrastructure to enable shared sequencing using based preconfirmations.

🏆 Large Scale Compute$2,500
Starknet provides developers with really low fees. Another way to look at low fees is “more compute”. Create a Starknet-based protocol that uses significantly more gas than Ethereum applications to achieve something previously impossible on Ethereum. There are two obvious ways to think about this problem: 1. Now that fees are cheap, will protocol participants be willing to pay fractions of a cent more to do the ‘housekeeping’ for a protocol: 1. Rebalance other users’ positions in your protocol 2. Reduce back-running arbitrage by solving for it onchain 3. Trigger abstract cron jobs with left over gas 2. Some problems have high-complexity classes that may now be executable on the chain at a reasonable price. 1. Some intractable problems have reasonable heuristic or stochastic solutions that may now be possible. 2. Large-scale Monte Carlo simulation may be possible (randomness is available from the Pragma oracle) 3. Problems in NP may be achievable for a small number of elements. For example: 1. Closing back-running arbitrage may be quite expensive to compute, but it may still be worth doing a naive strategy on-chain up to a certain level of gas consumption. 2. Traveling salesman for a tiny number of accounts may be possible.

Qualification Requirements

1. A working, on-chain, Starknet-based smart contract deployed on Sepolia that clearly uses an order of magnitude higher compute than current L1-based applications. 2. The increased compute must differentiate the protocol or be the protocol's sole reason for existence.



Hyperlane is the permissionless interoperability framework connecting the modular ecosystem. With Hyperlane, anyone can connect any blockchain, rollup, appchain, on any VM. Additionally, Hyperlane’s modular security stack gives developers the power to customize their interchain security to their needs.


🥇 Best Use of Hyperlane $3,000
The grand prize will be given to the most compelling submissions made during the hackathon. It can qualify under any of the categories below, so be sure to read them to get some ideas! Think of the grand prize as an extension of the category prizes.

Qualification Requirements

Get in touch with the team for more details!

🛠️ Best Infrastructure$3,000
Up to 2 teams will receive $1,500
This category is for building infrastructure that either enhances Hyperlane or makes use of Hyperlane's capabilities.

Qualification Requirements

Get in touch with the team for more details!

🎨 Most Creative use of Hyperlane$2,000
Hyperlane spans many components and layers of complexity. Build a user app, tooling, contract, or anything that contributes to this ecosystem. Without being prescriptive, this can include dashboards, DeFi apps, off-chain agent self-hosting, cross-chain DAO interfaces, relayer key funders.

Qualification Requirements

Get in touch with the team for more details! Join our discord to engage with the team and get support.

🧩 Best Application$2,000
Hyperlane is designed with flexibility in mind. Notably, its interchain security modules give developers control over their security model, allowing them to configure, compose, and customize security according to the needs of their application. Build a project that takes full advantage of this, such as an ISM, a Hook, a UI, tooling, etc.

Qualification Requirements

Get in touch with the team for more details! Join our discord to engage with the team and get support.


Building with Hyperlane Interoperability Fram...

Join Yorke to learn what you can build with Hyperlane, get a sneak peek into our latest AVS development and get an ...

This workshop is happening in-person

03:00 PM BST — Friday, Jul 12, 2024 in Workshop Room 3

Building with Hyperlane Interoperability Fram...

Join Yorke to learn what you can build with Hyperlane, get a sneak peek into our latest AVS development and get an ...

This workshop is happening in-person

03:00 PM BST — Friday, Jul 12, 2024 in Workshop Room 3

Building with Hyperlane Interoperability Fram...

Join Yorke to learn what you can build with Hyperlane, get a sneak peek into our latest AVS development and get an ...

This workshop is happening in-person

03:00 PM BST — Friday, Jul 12, 2024 in Workshop Room 3


About Circle: Circle’s stablecoins and full-stack development tools make it faster, easier, and safer to bring the benefits of blockchain to your business. Their suite of smart contracts, APIs, and SDKs are designed to get you off the ground quickly and securely. Circle's technology suite includes: Stablecoin Protocols: Open infrastructure for programmable money on public blockchains. - USDC: US dollar stablecoin that’s fully reserved and always redeemable 1:1 for US dollars, issued by Circle. Integrate US dollar stablecoins to deliver near-instant payments and financial services to anyone with an internet connection. - EURC: Fully reserved, regulated euro stablecoin. Power euro payments and financial services in your app globally. - Cross Chain Transfer Protocol (CCTP): On-chain utility for moving USDC securely between supported blockchains for digital asset swaps, seamless user deposits, and on-demand treasury rebalancing. Web3 Services: Composable APIs and SDKs to bring any web or mobile app on-chain. - Programmable Wallets: Embed secure, frictionless wallets tailored to your app. Empower users to send, receive, and transact with digital assets. - Smart Contract Platform: Create, deploy, and manage smart contracts effortlessly. Build quickly with end-to- end tooling and audited templates. - Gas Station: Sponsor blockchain network gas fees for users. Please note that completion of the developer survey linked below is required as part of your submission. Additionally, ALL submissions will receive credits to be applied towards continued building with Circle's Web3 Services! We look forward to seeing what you build!


🏆 Best Application for Cross-Border Payments$2,000
Build an application (either mobile or web app) that uses the blockchain for cost-effective international money transfers, saving costs while enhancing margins. Extra points for also incorporating AI into your solution. Examples of applications include: Examples: * Payroll platforms - Streamline global salary disbursements with blockchain to reduce costs and ensure timely payments. * International Remittances - Facilitate low-cost, secure, and near-instant international money transfers for individuals. * Peer-to-Peer payments - Enable direct, cost-effective money transfers between users with a simple and intuitive interface. * Marketplaces - Create an online marketplace with decentralized payments to minimize intermediary fees and enhance security. Examples with AI: * Using machine learning to take blacklisted/banned wallets that are currently known across different blockchains to build a predictive model to identify other wallets and transactions that could be of high risk. * Using AI to show cost savings for sending funds in USDC vs. traditional payment rails. * Use AI to optimize payments by identifying security issues with the smart contract by analyzing the code. AI may also be used to identify greater efficiency, and reduction of gas fees related to compute. In order to be USDC specific, the fine-tuning would be related to any smart contracts interacting with Circle smart contracts or known wallets.

Qualification Requirements

Submissions will be evaluated based on the following parameters: * Functional MVP: Projects must demonstrate a working MVP pertinent to the event's focus area. Ensure that your MVP uses the recommended developer tools. * Development Documentation: Entrants should present a thoroughly documented development journey with a clear GitHub commit history reflective of ongoing, incremental work. * Integration Challenges and Feedback: Any API/Product integration difficulties must be fully logged in GitHub Issues, along with constructive critiques and improvement suggestions for the tools and documentation utilized. * Clear Presentation and Documentation: A video succinctly outlining the project's core functions and its effective use of Circle's Developer tools/tech is required, supported by well-explained and detailed documentation(e.g well-formatted README). * [IMPORTANT] Share your feedback by submitting survey responses here - https://circlefinancial.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0SZpLwlVQHmMXXM

🏆 Best Application for Dollar Access$2,000
Build an application (mobile or web app) with use cases that utilise blockchain to provide global access to digital dollars, offering financial stability through the ability to hold and transact in digital dollars. The application will provide users with a stable store of value worldwide without needing a bank account and very efficient. Extra points for incorporating AI into your solution. Examples may include the following; Example: * Wallets - Develop a digital wallet that allows users to securely hold and transact in digital dollars. * Consumer Apps - Create a consumer app that provides financial stability by offering global access to digital dollars for everyday transactions. * Payments Apps - Build a payment app enabling seamless global payments and remittances using digital dollars, ensuring cost-effective and stable value transfers. Example with AI: * Create a conversational chat bot that educates the user based on their geography around why USDC would be the best store of value for them if they are trying to get access to dollar accounts and how they can access it in their local market. This would use AI to index the educational information available across the globe while also taking into account where a user is locally to help them get started with USDC.

Qualification Requirements

Submissions will be evaluated based on the following parameters: * Functional MVP: Projects must demonstrate a working MVP pertinent to the event's focus area. Ensure that your MVP uses the recommended developer tools. * Development Documentation: Entrants should present a thoroughly documented development journey with a clear GitHub commit history reflective of ongoing, incremental work. * Integration Challenges and Feedback: Any API/Product integration difficulties must be fully logged in GitHub Issues, along with constructive critiques and improvement suggestions for the tools and documentation utilized. * Clear Presentation and Documentation: A video succinctly outlining the project's core functions and its effective use of Circle's Developer tools/tech is required, supported by well-explained and detailed documentation(e.g well-formatted README). * [IMPORTANT] Share your feedback by submitting survey responses here - https://circlefinancial.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0SZpLwlVQHmMXXM

🏆 Best Application for Crypto Capital Markets$2,000
Build an application (mobile or web app/service integration) with use cases involving blockchain for decentralised finance (DeFi) activities such as trading, lending digital assets, saving, etc. Users of the application should be able to use USDC in your app to trade, borrow, and lend using Circle's most widely used stablecoin. Extra points for also incorporating AI into your solution. Examples may include the following; Examples: * Using USDC as collateral for borrowing and lending digital assets, * Providing loans with USDC * Trading against various crypto assets. Examples with AI: * Leverage an AI model to build a smart contract generator that uses natural language processing to automatically produce USDC-enabled smart contracts with robust lending, borrowing, and repayment logic. We recommend using Replit’s AI model. * Execute on chain investments based on set thresholds and events. AI can be used to analyse data and identify patterns to trigger these automated transactions, while blockchain can provide a secure, transparent, and immutable record of the transactions. * Build a predictive model that takes past price history for digital tokens, and overlayed with real-time news

Qualification Requirements

Submissions will be evaluated based on the following parameters: * Functional MVP: Projects must demonstrate a working MVP pertinent to the event's focus area. Ensure that your MVP uses the recommended developer tools. * Development Documentation: Entrants should present a thoroughly documented development journey with a clear GitHub commit history reflective of ongoing, incremental work. * Integration Challenges and Feedback: Any API/Product integration difficulties must be fully logged in GitHub Issues, along with constructive critiques and improvement suggestions for the tools and documentation utilized. * Clear Presentation and Documentation: A video succinctly outlining the project's core functions and its effective use of Circle's Developer tools/tech is required, supported by well-explained and detailed documentation(e.g well-formatted README). * [IMPORTANT] Share your feedback by submitting survey responses here - https://circlefinancial.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0SZpLwlVQHmMXXM

🏆 Best Applications for Emerging Use Cases$4,000
1st place
2nd place
Build an application (mobile or web app) that focuses on innovative solutions with novel and bespoke use cases. Extra points for also incorporating AI into your solution.Examples may include the following; Examples: * Use USDC and Programmable Wallets in an AI use case around payments for inferences or compute. Extra points for developing AI agents that can bank themselves by receiving USDC for tasks they perform, and spending USDC on services or other AI agents to complete more tasks. * A Web3 social platform empowering secure transactions and sustainable growth through trusted identities and digital content creation. * A creator-focused platform that utilizes USDC and smart contracts for content production, distribution, and monetization with full creator control and ownership. * A DeFi application that leverages CCTP for improved interoperability, enabling cross-chain payments and swaps with enhanced security and liquidity. * Gaming applications Examples with AI * Create a fine-tuned or RAG chat bot related to Circle's SDKs, APIs, and documentation * Use blockchain in an AI use case around payments for inferences or compute. * Develop AI agents that can bank themselves by receiving USDC for tasks they perform, and spending USDC on services or other AI agents to complete more tasks.

Qualification Requirements

Submissions will be evaluated based on the following parameters: * Functional MVP: Projects must demonstrate a working MVP pertinent to the event's focus area. Ensure that your MVP uses the recommended developer tools. * Development Documentation: Entrants should present a thoroughly documented development journey with a clear GitHub commit history reflective of ongoing, incremental work. * Integration Challenges and Feedback: Any API/Product integration difficulties must be fully logged in GitHub Issues, along with constructive critiques and improvement suggestions for the tools and documentation utilized. * Clear Presentation and Documentation: A video succinctly outlining the project's core functions and its effective use of Circle's Developer tools/tech is required, supported by well-explained and detailed documentation(e.g well-formatted README). * [IMPORTANT] Share your feedback by submitting survey responses here - https://circlefinancial.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0SZpLwlVQHmMXXM


Safe brings digital ownership of accounts to everyone by building universal and open contract standards for the custody of digital assets, data, and identity.


🚀 Best app integrating ERC-7579 Safe Smart Accounts$4,000
1st place
2nd place
Build an application that supports Safe accounts v1.4.1, integrates Pimlico's permissionless.js, Rhinestone's ModuleKit, and uses the Safe7579Adapter.

Qualification Requirements

To qualify, the app must be able to deploy or connect existing Safe accounts, use the Safe7579 Adapter, and execute gassless transactions with them.

🔑 Best app integrating Passkeys with the Safe Smart Account$4,000
1st place
2nd place
Build an application that integrates Passkeys using the Safe{Core} SDK.

Qualification Requirements

The app must be able to deploy or connect existing Safe accounts, sign Safe transactions with Passkeys, and execute them.

🃏 Best app integrating Safe (wildcard)$2,000
Build any useful application with Safe users in mind. There are no limitations on the idea or technologies used. - Build with the Safe{Core} SDK. (Relay Kit, Protocol Kit, API Kit, etc.) - Build with the Safe Smart Account contracts (Modules, Transaction Guards, etc.). - Build with none of the above.

Qualification Requirements

The only requirement is that the submission must be a Safe-related application.


Integrating Passkeys with the Safe Smart Acco...

Learn about passkeys and how to integrate them with the Safe Smart Account.

This workshop is happening in-person

02:40 PM BST — Friday, Jul 12, 2024 in Workshop Room 4


Chronicle Protocol is a novel Oracle solution that has exclusively secured over $10B in assets for MakerDAO and its ecosystem since 2017. With a history of innovation, including the invention of the first Oracle on Ethereum, Chronicle Protocol continues to redefine Oracles. A blockchain-agnostic protocol, Chronicle overcomes the current limitations of transferring data on-chain by developing the first truly scalable, cost-efficient, decentralized, and verifiable Oracles, rewriting the rulebook on data transparency and accessibility.


🛠️ DeFi Track$4,700
1st place
2nd place
3rd place
Integrate Chronicle Oracles into one of the following DeFi applications: Borrowing & Lending dApps, Decentralized Exchanges (DEX), Liquidity Mining, Prediction Markets, or Stablecoins. The prize will go to the top three teams with the best DeFi integration of Chronicle's Scribe cost-efficient Oracles.

Qualification Requirements

- Each project must use Chronicle Oracles in some form to make a state change on a blockchain, otherwise it will not be eligible. This means that a frontend simply reading from Chronicle Oracles doesn't count. - Your project should integrate Chronicle Oracles for a DeFi use case. - Deployed contract addresses much be included in your repo’s README. You can deploy your contracts on any of the following chains: Ethereum Sepolia, Arbitrum Sepolia, Base Sepolia, Polygon zkEVM Sepolia, Gnosis Chain Mainnet, Scroll Sepolia, zkSync Sepolia, Optimism Sepolia, Mantle Sepolia. Assets to submit: 🏁 Make sure to include the following in your project submission: - A public demo URL to your deployed project that judges can test. - A short video that demonstrates your submission (approximately 2-3 minutes). - A public GitHub repository with the code. - Complete the 2-min Builder Feedback Form: https://forms.gle/EZiu96gfhBBnwuAQ8

💡 Innovation Track$4,700
1st place
2nd place
3rd place
Most Innovative Chronicle Oracle Integration The prize will go to the top three teams with the most innovative integration of Scribe, Chronicle's cost-efficient Oracles. The innovation should stem from the use case of the Oracle, i.e., the idea or utility of the project.

Qualification Requirements

Each project must use Chronicle Oracles in some form to make a state change on a blockchain, otherwise it will not be eligible. This means that a front end simply reading from Chronicle Oracles doesn't count. - Deployed contract addresses much be included in your repo’s README. You can deploy your contracts on any of the following chains: Ethereum Sepolia, Arbitrum Sepolia, Base Sepolia, Polygon zkEVM Sepolia, Gnosis Chain Mainnet, Scroll Sepolia, zkSync Sepolia, Optimism Sepolia, Mantle Sepolia. Assets to submit: 🏁 Make sure to include the following in your project submission: - A public demo URL to your deployed project that judges can test. - A short video that demonstrates your submission (approximately 2-3 minutes). - A public GitHub repository with the code. - Complete the 2-min Builder Feedback Form: https://forms.gle/EZiu96gfhBBnwuAQ8

📚 Education Track$600
1st place
2nd place
This prize is for the best technical tutorial for developers on integrating Chronicle's Scribe Oracles (https://docs.chroniclelabs.org/Intro/scribe).

Qualification Requirements

- The submitted material should be your own. Material originating from other sources or generated with AI does not qualify. - Include the working example associated with the tutorial. - The tutorial must present a novel approach or solution that is not already available in existing documentation or tutorials.


🛠️ Chronicle Workshop

Learn how to integrate the future of Oracle data feeds for crypto asset prices, yield rates, and RWAs from the team...

This workshop is happening in-person

04:30 PM BST — Friday, Jul 12, 2024 in Workshop Room 3


First announced in April 2021, the Pyth Network is the largest pull oracle for real-time asset price data. Pyth delivers over 500 low-latency price feeds across digital assets, FX, ETFs, equities, and commodities to more than 50 blockchain ecosystems, securely and transparently.


🤝 Contribution Track$1,000
Submit your PR to our open-source repositories. Feel free to add a new functionality to one of our SDKs or an end-to-end example dapp showcasing Pyth integration.

Qualification Requirements

The following contributions are not eligible for this bounty: 1. Grammatical corrections. 2. Rewriting existing guides. 3. Creating 101 tutorials.

⛓️ Most Innovative use of Pyth pull oracle (Price Feeds)$7,000
1st place
2nd place
3rd place
This award is given to the most innovative and practical blockchain project consuming Pyth Price Feeds. Criteria include technical difficulty, market impact, originality and innovative ways of implementation.

Qualification Requirements

All projects in the Ecosystem Track must integrate the Pyth pull oracle to fetch prices on-chain.

🎲 Most Innovative use of Pyth pull oracle (Entropy)$2,000
This award is given to the most innovative and practical blockchain project consuming Pyth Entropy. Criteria include technical difficulty, market impact, originality and innovative ways of implementation.

Qualification Requirements

All projects in the Ecosystem Track must integrate the Pyth Entropy and generate random numbers which should be used by dapp's logic.


🛠️ Pyth Workshop

Learn how to integrate Pyth oracles to fetch low latency data and random numbers.

This workshop is happening in-person

02:40 PM BST — Friday, Jul 12, 2024 in Workshop Room 2


The 1inch Network seamlessly unites multiple decentralized protocols, empowering users to perform efficient, user-friendly and secure operations in the Web3 space. The 1inch Network provides access to hundreds of liquidity sources across multiple blockchains. Its main components are the 1inch Aggregation Protocol, the 1inch Liquidity Protocol, the 1inch Limit Order Protocol and the 1inch Wallet – a fast and secure mobile application for storing, receiving, sending and swapping crypto assets. The 1inch Swap Engine, built on top of 1inch’s Aggregation Protocol and Limit Order Protocol, is a decentralized trading and matching system that connects DEX users with practically limitless liquidity. The 1inch Swap Engine executes trade orders using the Dutch auction model, providing more efficiency, flexibility and tunability than regular swaps or limit orders. Powered by the 1inch Swap Engine, Fusion mode enables users to swap tokens without paying any network fees and at the most favorable rates. In addition, Fusion mode offers users extra MEV protection. All swaps in Fusion mode are executed by resolvers – professional traders, who use the most sophisticated and efficient ways of protecting users’ swaps from MEV.


🚀 Innovative Application on top of 1inch Network's Fusion 2.0 API$3,500
Prize Amount: 🥇 $3500USD Bounty Description: Build an innovative application that leverages the power of 1inch Network's Fusion 2.0 API. Your application should provide unique functionalities and value-added features to users within the DeFi ecosystem.

Qualification Requirements

1 - Utilize the 1inch Network's Fusion 2.0 API to access and interact with the Fusion protocol. 2 - The utilization of Fusion 2.0 API should have a meaningful purpose Note: Your application should be an open-source project accompanied by clear documentation explaining its usage. Focus on demonstrating the unique value your application brings to the 1inch Network ecosystem while ensuring a seamless and secure user experience.

🌐 Enhance your app with 1inch Developer Portal APIs$4,500
1st Place
2nd Place
1inch Developer Portal do have multiple APIs (Balances, Fiat Prices, Portfolio, Swap, Limit Order). Use any of it to enhance your project. Apps with the best use cases will be eligible for bounties.

Qualification Requirements

1 - Use portal.1inch.dev APIs (Any of it) 2 - The utilization of 1inch Developer Portal should have a meaningful purpose

🔗 Innovative Solutions on top of 1inch Network's Token Plugins $2,000
1st place
2nd place
1inch recently announced new library that introduces an extendable and secure system for ERC20-based tokens. By subscribing an account to various plugins, users can dynamically enhance the functionality of their tokens. Technically plugins are a collection of smart contracts that track changes in ERC20 token balances and perform supplementary accounting tasks for those balances. They are particularly useful when you need to track, for example, token shares without actually transferring tokens to an accounting contract.

Qualification Requirements

1 - Use https://github.com/1inch/token-plugins 2 - The utilization of token-plugins should have a meaningful purpose Resources: Anton Bukov talk about token plugins: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a9uCqWmH-HE Token plugins Repo: https://github.com/1inch/token-plugins


The Graph is a decentralized indexing and querying protocol for onchain data. It is the original decentralized data marketplace that introduced subgraphs, the most flexible way of indexing onchain data that builders can fully customize according to their needs. Subgraphs have become web3’s standard method of indexing and accessing onchain data. Start building on The Graph's decentralized subgraphs with 100k free queries every month.


🛰️ Best New Subgraph$3,900
1st place
2nd place
Build and deploy a custom subgraph that indexes data from a smart contract to query blockchain data for your dapp.

Qualification Requirements

Qualified submissions will: 1. Link to the deployed subgraph 2. Link to the subgraph source code 3. The project should be using data indexed and queried using the subgraph

🛸 Best Use of Subgraph$3,800
1st place
2nd place
Query a new or existing subgraph on the Graph Explorer or hosted service using the public query URL from the subgraph dashboard.

Qualification Requirements

Qualifying projects will use data from an existing subgraph that can be found on The Graph Explorer.

Best Use of Substreams$2,300
Use a new or existing Substream to process and consume web3 data. This includes the use of Substreams-powered subgraphs.

Qualification Requirements

Two options to qualify: 1. Build a new Substream 1. Link to deployed Substream 2. Link to the Substream source code 3. The project should be using data indexed and queried using the Substream 2. Use and existing Substream 1. The project should use data from an existing Substream


Base is a secure, low-cost, builder-friendly Ethereum L2 built to bring the next billion users onchain. Base is a founding participant in the Optimism Superchain and the second core developer of the OP Stack.


🏆 Best use of Smart Wallet$6,000
1st place
2nd place
3rd place
Utilize Smart Wallet to make the best user experience possible Extend the Smart Wallet Contract to add an additional plugin or integration. Demonstrate how Magic Spend can help new users go from no wallet to and end experience (mint an nft, swap to a memecoin, liquidity position, etc) Improve Experiences by taking advantage of muticall

Qualification Requirements

Work must be deployed on or connected to Base in some way Work that is open source and free for others to use Shared artifacts (GitHub, planning documents, and a short video) For this hackathon, the project must be a new development in order to ensure equal opportunity

🏆 Based and Consumed - Best Consumer App UX$2,000
Leveraging Base, build a user friendly onchain product. Be creative! This can be a consumer ready utility focused app based on NFTs, Attestations, DAOs, payments, or finances. Try to fill any gaps not currently deployed on Base.

Qualification Requirements

Work must be deployed on or connected to Base in some way Work that is open source and free for others to use Shared artifacts (GitHub, planning documents, and a short video) For this hackathon, the project must be a new development in order to ensure equal opportunity

🏆 Based and Institutionalized - best corporate/business app UX$2,000
Leveraging Base, build a user friendly onchain product. Be creative! This can be a business ready utility focused app based on DAOs, payments, finances, NFTs, Attestations, data analytics, indexing. Bring a business case that can be done better onchain.

Qualification Requirements

Work must be deployed on or connected to Base in some way Work that is open source and free for others to use Shared artifacts (GitHub, planning documents, and a short video) For this hackathon, the project must be a new development in order to ensure equal opportunity


Rootstock is the top Bitcoin Layer 2 Blockchain, aiming to address the shortcomings of Bitcoin by leveraging Ethereum's scalability and programmability. Rootstock uses Solidity programming language, making it fully EVM compatible. You can build any EVM dApps and products on Bitcoin using Rootstock without any additional tools or knowledge.


🏆 Best DeFi dApp on Rootstock$4,000
Create an everyday DeFi application using the Rootstock network and/or RIF technologies, such as lending protocols, decentralized exchanges, yield farming strategies, liquidity pools, insurance protocols, decentralized credit scoring, or trading bots.

Qualification Requirements

- Smart contract deployed in Rootstock and at least 2 on-chain (testnet) successful transactions. - Projects must have a description and a GitHub repository with a descriptive README. - The README should include: 1) a clear short one-sentence description of your submission. 2) a short description of what you integrated Rootstock with and how. 3) a short description of the team and their backgrounds. 4) clear instructions for testing the integration. 5) feedback describing your experience with building on Rootstock. 6) optionally, a short video demo or slide deck.

🔥 Best Runes or Ordinals project on Rootstock$3,000
Ride the wave by tapping into Bitcoin's liquidity and engaging with the latest trends. Develop dApps that use ordinals and runes for unique digital asset creation, offering fresh ways to interact with and manage these assets on the blockchain.

Qualification Requirements

- Smart contract deployed in Rootstock and at least 2 on-chain (testnet) successful transactions. - Projects must have a description and a GitHub repository with a descriptive README. - The README should include: 1) a clear short one-sentence description of your submission. 2) a short description of what you integrated Rootstock with and how. 3) a short description of the team and their backgrounds. 4) clear instructions for testing the integration. 5) feedback describing your experience with building on Rootstock. 6) optionally, a short video demo or slide deck.

🌎 Best use of Rootstock Blockchain$3,000
Give freedom to your mind and build whatever you want on top of Rootstock blockchain. From AI, to RAW, DePin or other, feel free to build your top EVM dApp on Bitcoin with Rootstock.

Qualification Requirements

- Smart contract deployed in Rootstock and at least 2 on-chain (testnet) successful transactions. - Projects must have a description and a GitHub repository with a descriptive README. - The README should include: 1) a clear short one-sentence description of your submission. 2) a short description of what you integrated Rootstock with and how. 3) a short description of the team and their backgrounds. 4) clear instructions for testing the integration. 5) feedback describing your experience with building on Rootstock. 6) optionally, a short video demo or slide deck.


Circles is a social money that allows people to collectively self-own their financial infrastructure, and build fair community currencies. Circles employs a unique token issuance mechanism where each user generates their own currency (CRC) at a steady rate of one token per hour, simulating a basic income system.


🪙 Build with Circles SDK$4,000
Up to 4 teams will receive $1,000
Build on Circles by integrating the Circles SDK (production v1 or testnet v2) or interact with the contracts directly. Integrations can be open-ended, eg: into wallets, payment solutions, DeFi, (web3) Social, governance

Qualification Requirements

- Submissions must be deployed and working - Submissions must use Circles in a value-aligned way - Submissions code must be available in open-source repositories

Build with AI Agents$4,000
Up to 2 teams will receive $2,000
Gnosis AI labs is creating Prediction Markets and fully autonomous agents that need to reason about their following actions to keep themselves operating. Here are some ideas for you to begin : - Create functions to be added to general agent. This can be a new function, new framework integration, or whatever else you find interesting. - Create new agent executing transactions in the Gnosis Chain - we are specially interested in agents that interact with DeFi protocols on Gnosis, e.g. CowSwap, SparkFi, etc, but no limits on the imagination here.

Qualification Requirements

- Submissions should contain evidence of agent actions, i.e. transaction hashes - Hackers are encouraged (but no required to) use the Prediction-market-agent-tooling, repo mentioned below - Submissions must either be open source on Github or PRs in one of the repos we mentioned in the hacker guide

🪢 Best innovative use cases for Circles + AI integrated together$2,000
Up to 2 teams will receive $1,000
Circles and Gnosis AI Labs have teamed up to issue a prize for inspiring projects that combine Circles and AI / AI Agents. This is an open-ended prize with the combined requirements of both separate bounty tracks. Here are some of the suggestions you can explore: - Using Circles CRC as collateral for Prediction Markets like Omen - Co-owning AI Agents via Circles

Qualification Requirements

- Submissions must use Circles in a value-aligned way along with AI Agents - Submissions code must be available in open-source repositories - Submissions should contain evidence of agent actions, i.e. transaction hashes - Hackers are encouraged (but no required to) use the Prediction-market-agent-tooling, a repo containing helper functions for interacting with prediction markets on Gnosis


Near is the chain abstraction stack, empowering builders to create apps that scale to billions of users and across all blockchains. Near AI x Web3 Stack is bringing AI and Web3 together to enable a user-owned internet that guarantees privacy and ownership of data and assets, where everyone can be a builder.


🔗 Chain Signatures: Cross-Chain Without Bridges$5,000
Building a cross-chain product? Meet Chain Signatures: the latest programmable MPC technology which enables cross-chain protocols to support every chain (even non-smart contract chains), eliminate the risk of bridging, and unify user experience. Demonstrate a creative use case of the Chain Signatures technology in which you use a NEAR account or smart contract to sign transactions on any given chain, whether it’s Ethereum or Bitcoin. Get creative and explore the beginnings of chain abstraction, where users can do everything from a single account and don’t have to think about which chain they are on! Ideas + DeFi on Bitcoin and other non-smart contract chains: Build DeFi applications for non-smart contract chains using NEAR smart contracts and Chain Signatures to control externally-owned accounts on chains like Bitcoin and BitTensor. + Bridgeless Cross-Chain Swaps: Execute cross-chain swaps without bridges by atomically swapping the ownership of two accounts on different chains (e.g. $BTC on Bitcoin <> $USDC on Optimism). + Multichain dApps: Utilize NEAR as the smart contract layer to interact with assets on Ethereum, Bitcoin and other chains, enabling multichain DEXs, lending protocols, DAO, staking platforms. + dYdX-based products: Leverage Chain Signatures to manage dYdX positions and build products on top of the dYdX platform. + Account Aggregation: Control multiple accounts or sign transactions on different chains using a single NEAR account.

Qualification Requirements

Your deployment should be on the NEAR testnet. You are free to incorporate any ECDSA-based blockchain(s) of your choice (Bitcoin, Cosmos chains, L1s/L2s EVM, etc.) Your submission must NOT be a simple fork of an existing example/project with minimal changes. Your submission should include a basic readme file explaining the scope of the project. Your submission should demonstrate a creative chain signatures API use case.

🦾 User owned AI is Near$5,000
Up to 2 teams will receive $2,500
Bring AI and Web3 together to enable a user-owned internet that guarantees privacy and ownership of data and assets, where everyone can be a builder. Some ideas to explore: + Build autonomous agents and explore their on-chain interaction on Near + Build an interface on near.social to deploy autonomous agents + Add AI capabilities to our Explorer to help users better understand what is happening on-chain + Enable ML research and independent contributions through programmable insentives + Anything that comes to mind!

Qualification Requirements

+ Your deployment should be on the NEAR testnet. + Your submission must NOT be a simple fork of an existing example/project with minimal changes. + Your submission should include a basic readme file explaining the scope of the project. + Bonus points: describe the business model for your project.


Flare is the blockchain for data, an EVM smart contract platform that expands the utility of blockchain.   - With decentralized oracles built into the structure of the network, Flare is the only smart contract platform optimized for decentralized data acquisition - price & time series data, blockchain event & state data, and web2 API data.   - Flare's mission is to provide developers with decentralized access, at scale, and for minimal cost, to all of the data and data proofs they need to build new blockchain use cases that are more relevant to more people


🏆 Best DApp to utilize Flare's ability to collect and serve data$7,000
Build a DApp that utilizes Flare's ability to collect and serve data to/from different chains. We are looking for an application that powers truly decentralized connectivity using Flare's data protocols: - Use FTSO or Random number with at least one state connector data source - Utilize either Flare's State Connector & build something on Flare chain or heavily utilize FTSO and State Connector data on any EVM chain.

Qualification Requirements

- Project must utilize either Flare's State Connector & build something on Flare chain or heavily utilize FTSO and State Connector data on any EVM chain. - Display links to both versions of smart contracts deployed on the EVM chain and Coston Testnet/Flare Mainnet in your README - Working application & open source codebase. The app must be available for testing on a live URL. A simple frontend with basic functionality is fine. - Feedback describing your experience with building on Flare.

☀️ Most Innovative Application using Flare’s Data Protocols$3,000
1st place
2nd place
3rd place
Build DApps that utilize at least one of the Flare’s Enshrined Data Protocols: FTSO (Flare Time Series Oracle) for price feeds Flare's Secure Random Number Generator State Connector for queries of state on connected chains (i.e. BTC, XRPL, DOGE, EVM chains including Ethereum)

Qualification Requirements

- DApps must make use of at least one of the Flare’s Data Protocols i.e FTSO (Flare Time Series Oracle) for price feeds or use FTSOv2 random number generator or the State Connector for queries of state on connected chains (i.e. BTC, XRPL, DOGE, EVM chains including Ethereum) - Dapps must address real-world problems, or cater to specific use cases to be impactful. - Developers must create a fully functioning application that is available for testing on a live website & provide an open-source codebase for review. - Feedback describing your experience with building on Flare.


Flare’s Pricing and Data Oracles for Multi-Ch...

The workshop will showcase the main advantages of building on Flare: State Connector for trustless attestation of e...

This workshop is happening in-person

03:40 PM BST — Friday, Jul 12, 2024 in Workshop Room 3


ApeCoin is an ERC-20 governance and utility token for gaming and NFTs. Yuga Labs, the company that founded the Bored Ape Yacht Club, is a contributor to the $APE ecosystem and is adopting ApeCoin as the primary token for its communities and experiences. Yuga's projects include: Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC), Mutant Ape Yacht Club (MAYC), CryptoPunks, Meebits, Otherside and Moonbirds. APE adoption will be driven largely by communities who are driving culture forward through NFTs, art, gaming, entertainment, community and events. ApeCoin serves several purposes including: -  Governance - allows ApeCoin holders to participate in the ApeCoin DAO -  Unification of Spend - shared and open currency across more NFT native communities -  Access - exclusive games, merch, events, and services -  Incentivization - tool for third-party developers to incorporate APE into their services, games, and other projects Jenkins is Apechain's public alpha testnet. It mirrors the general vision of the Apechain network, which is an L3 on top of Arbitrum. Apecoin is the native gas token and devs can onboard onto it and use it like any other testnet like bridge to it, deploy smart contracts, connect it to your Metamask, etc.


🧱 Best Infra project built on ApeChain$5,000
Up to 2 teams will receive $2,500
Community Infra track: Bridge communities together with infrastructure that allows communities from other chains to participate and reap benefits on ApeChain (i.e. asset mirroring), or help onboard users navigate the fragmented the L2 / L3 ecosystem. Close the complexity gap to onboard users onto ApeChain (i.e. abstraction)

Qualification Requirements

The project/demo should be deployed on the ApeChain Testnet and should be testable by the judges.

💻 Best Dapp$5,000
Up to 2 teams will receive $2,500
Best showcase of GameFi or SocialFi using ApeCoin. Using ApeChain not required, but is preferred. Past hackathon winners for this category have been built around MarioKart, social fitness, AI, etc among other things.

Qualification Requirements

The project/demo does not need to be deployed on the ApeChain Testnet, but preference will be given to projects that do.


Mobile-first 🤳. EVM compatible 🧩. Carbon negative 🌱 . Celo is a blockchain built for the real world. Build dApps with a great user experience leveraging Celo's lightning fast transactions, low cost, and multi-currency gas fees. 🇧🇪 For ETHGlobal Brussels, Celo is asking hackers for best dapps on MiniPay and best use of stable coins as a gas fee currency. MiniPay is a mobile, stablecoin-based, non-custodial, payments focused wallet. With over 2.5 million users, MiniPay is the fastest-growing consumer crypto wallet.


📱 Best dApps Built for MiniPay$7,500
1st place
2nd place
3rd place
MiniPay is a stablecoin wallet inside the Opera Mini browser. MiniPay makes saving, sending, and receiving crypto easy with web2 like onboarding, great UX, and using phone numbers as name service. If you are building a consumer crypto application, we invite you to deploy your application on Celo and follow the simple steps to make sure your application works inside MiniPay.

Qualification Requirements

- Deploy your contracts on Celo Alfajores Testnet or Celo Mainnet - Demo your application from the MiniPay Site Tester

🪙 Best use of stable gas currency (USDC, USDT, cUSD)$2,500
1st place
2nd place
In most L1 and L2 networks, transaction fees can only be paid with one asset, typically, the native asset for the ecosystem which is often volatile in nature. In order to simplify the process of sending funds on Celo, these fees can be paid with allowlisted ERC20 tokens such as USDT, USDC, cUSD, and others, in addition to CELO. Add an extra feeCurrency field on transaction objects in your dApp to take advantage of this feature and qualify for this bounty.


🛠️ Celo Workshop

MiniPay is the fastest-growing consumer wallet in web3. Learn how you can build dApps for MiniPay on Celo.

This workshop is happening in-person

03:40 PM BST — Friday, Jul 12, 2024 in Workshop Room 2


As the first optimistic zkEVM Ethereum Layer 2 solution, Morph is 100% EVM compatible. We have 3 main modules: Decentralized Sequencer Network Optimistic zkEVM & Responsive Validity Proof (RVP) Modular Architecture Building on morph is just like building on Ethereum. If you’re experienced in Ethereum development, you'll find your existing code, tooling, and dependencies are fully compatible with Morph.


🛠️ Consumer Centric Track$7,000
1st place
2nd place
3rd place
We're looking for innovative consumer applications built on top of our Morph Holesky testnet. This track challenges developers to build user-centric dApps that leverage Morph's tech to deliver value to consumers. Winning projects will demonstrate a friendly UX/UI, creative use of our tools, and potential for real-world impact in the application. ✅ Ideal Project Technical Innovation: Uses Morph's technology to leverage the application. Like our usage of our zkEVM and modular design. - User Experience: Provides a seamless, engaging, and intuitive experience for end-users. - Practicality and Impact: Shows clear potential for solving real consumer problems and gaining market traction. - Integration and Scalability: Integrates well with existing consumer apps and scales efficiently on-chain. 💡Ideas - GasFree Wallet/Transaction: - Decentralized Social Network Reward Platform: - Build Good Habits with crypto incentive/penalty Join us in creating the next generation of consumer-centric dApps and compete for a chance to win the 1st, 2nd or 3rd prize in the Consumer Centric Track!

Qualification Requirements

To qualify for this track, you must follow the next requirements without exception: - All the projects should be deployed on Morph Holesky testnet and link the contract address. - Code: Github repository attached to the project and clean code. - Starter Guide: Provide detailed documentation, including setup instructions and a user guide. - Video Demo: Submit a video demo showing the consumer app and its functionalities. - Feedback: As a way to improve the developer experience for future hackathons, you must leave your constructive feedback on how was your experience building on Morph. Evaluation Criteria - Technical Prowess: Demonstrates advanced use of Morph's Holesky testnet features. - Consumer Focus: Prioritizes user needs, delivering a high-quality, user-friendly experience. - Innovation and Creativity: Brings fresh, original ideas to the consumer app space. - Feasibility and Scalability: Presents a realistic plan for development and scaling in the real world.

💡 Innovation Track$3,000
1st place
2nd place
In this track, we're looking to see any app that can WOW us built on top of our Morph Holesky testnet. This track challenges developers to build something around AI on-chain, or developers tools, or some infrastructure app. Winning projects will demonstrate a friendly UX/UI, creative use of our tools, and real innovation. 💡 Ideas: - Non-collateral Lending Protocol or on-chain credits. Morph Network Dashboard: - Opt-in Decentralized training via an informal cluster of machines akin to some BitTorrent style hosting protocols. Join us in creating something innovative and compete for a chance to win the 1st, 2nd or 3rd prize in the Innovation Track!

Qualification Requirements

To qualify for this track, you must follow the next requirements without exception: - All the projects should be deployed on Morph Holesky testnet with its respective contract address. - Code: Github repository attached to the project and clean code. - Starter Guide: Provide detailed documentation, including setup instructions and a user guide. - Video Demo: Submit a video demo showing the dApp and its functionalities. - AI case: If the app is meant to be AI related, it needs to integrate AI tools. - Feedback: As a way to improve the developer experience for future hackathons, you must leave your constructive feedback on how was your experience building on Morph.


🛠️ Getting Started with Morph and Deploying ...

Learn about how Morph integrates OP & zk proofs, our decentralized sequencers and get ready to deploy your contract...

This workshop is happening in-person

02:20 PM BST — Friday, Jul 12, 2024 in Workshop Room 3

🛠️ Getting Started with Morph and Deploying ...

Learn about how Morph integrates OP & zk proofs, our decentralized sequencers and get ready to deploy your contract...

This workshop is happening in-person

02:20 PM BST — Friday, Jul 12, 2024 in Workshop Room 3


Scroll is a zero-knowledge rollup built to scale Ethereum. We're committed to Ethereum's ethos, and like to call ourselves the community-first zkEVM. If you’re experienced in building on Ethereum, your code, dependencies, and tooling work with Scroll out of the box. This is possible because our network is compatible with EVM bytecode and designed to feel just like developing on Ethereum.


🧪 Best Build Reading L1 State with L1SLOAD$4,000
Up to 2 teams will receive $2,000
More interested in experimental work? Build on Scroll’s latest research for bringing new possibilities to L2 dApps, allowing them to read directly from L1. Deploy an app on our devnet using L1SLOAD, a precompile contract that allows L2 contracts to read state storage slots on L1. Build something interesting or novel or something that imagines a future when every L2 can do the same. Check out the L1SLOAD guide linked below for usecase ideas and a faucet.

Qualification Requirements

- Project contracts must be deployed on Scroll’s L1SLOAD Devnet and verified on its Blockscout deployment. - Deployed contract addresses much be included in your repo’s README. - Project must utilize the L1SLOAD precompile to read state from Sepolia.

📜 Best Project on Scroll$6,000
$1,500 ×2
You're here to build the latest and greatest in web3 on Ethereum — we want to see it deployed on Scroll. Use Scroll's Sepolia Testnet for your novel and creative dApp — we're compatible with the EVM at the bytecode level, so all your Solidity, Vyper, or YUL should just work with the change of an RPC address.

Qualification Requirements

Project contracts must be deployed on Scroll Sepolia or Scroll L1SLOAD Devnet and verified on the Scroll Sepolia Etherscan or L1SLOAD Blockscout. Deployed contract addresses much be included in your repo’s README.


🛠️ Building on Scroll: Getting started & ex...

Scroll's zkEVM architecture brings scalability to Ethereum. Join us to learn about Scroll, how to easily get starte...

This workshop is happening in-person

02:20 PM BST — Friday, Jul 12, 2024 in Workshop Room 1


Web3 Login for Everyone: Simple onboarding flows for all users and robust developer tools to match. That's just our tagline, but don't take our word for it — https://demo.dynamic.xyz
Prize details coming soon


Decentralised naming for the new internet.
Prize details coming soon
Prize details coming soon


Avail is the permissionless unification layer for web3. It is a robust Web3 infrastructure layer designed to allow modular execution layers to scale and interoperate in a trust-minimized way.
Prize details coming soon


ZERϴ Network by Zerion comes with zero fees. Using its own custom paymaster, it enables dapps to sponsor gas fees so that their users will not need to pay for transactions. Zerion Wallet users will be able to trade and mint from day one without any gas fees at all.
Prize details coming soon


Galadriel is the first L1 blockchain purpose built for AI. ** Ethereum enabled writing smart contracts to build dApps. Similarly, Galadriel enables developers to build AI apps & agents like smart contracts — in Solidity, decentralized and on-chain. We support a range of AI usage: from simple LLM features in existing dApps to highly capable AI agents like on-chain AI hedge funds, in-game AI NPCs, AI-generated NFTs, and even agent swarms. ** Galadriel is built on a parallel-execution EVM stack and brings AI inference on-chain in a low-cost, low-latency manner through teeML which allows querying any open and closed-source LLM models in a verifiable manner. ** Galadriel is in Devnet. Join the mission in building user-owned AI.
Prize details coming soon
Prize details coming soon


Neon EVM is an Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) empowering developers to build and deploy dApps seamlessly from EVM chains to Solana, all from their existing codebase. The First and Only Solution to Scale Your dApps on Solana.


Best Use Case of Neon EVM Composability Feature$3,000
1st place
2nd place
Create a dApp with a use case that leverages the new general composability feature on Neon EVM. More information about the feature can be seen in our workshop.

Qualification Requirements

All Projects using Composability feature are eligible for this track. The qualification requirements for prizes (one of the following): - Live pitching at booth - Submitting demo hosted on a domain - Submitting video recording

👌 Best Use Case of Neon EVM $2,000
Building a dApp utilising Neon EVM core properties: - parallel execution - speed - low tx cost - access to Solana liquidity

Qualification Requirements

Any good working ideas utilising one or more of NeonEVMs core features. The qualification requirements for prizes (one of the following): - Live pitching at booth - Submitting demo hosted on a domain - Submitting video recording


Fhenix is the first Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) powered L2 to bring computation over encrypted data to Ethereum. Through the use of FHE rollups, Fhenix enables developers to seamlessly build confidential smart contracts and provide end-to-end encryption of users’ data, all while using familiar tools such as Metamask, Hardhat and Remix.


🔐 Best use of Fhenix Stack$5,000
1st place
2nd place
3rd place
Fhenix is an L2 on ETH that uses Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) to provide confidentiality. For our track, we are looking for developers who are interested in building full-stack applications in the Fhenix ecosystem that use encrypted computation. This can be anything from on-chain social media, dark pools, private lending, confidential voting, etc. We’re open to ideas and look forward to seeing what you and your team come up with!

Qualification Requirements

We require a full stack application demonstration, live hosting is preferred but not mandatory. However, creating an application that others can play around with from their own machines would be beneficial for the team's prospects of being selected. A Github repository with a history of commits is also required. In addition to a corresponding readme that makes it easy for developers, judges and our team to understand the overarching architecture of the project submission. Finally teams must submit their official application before the deadline in order to qualify for prize considerations.


A stateless layer2 of Ethereum, offering extreme scalability and privacy at the same time. Both data preservation and zkp computation happen on the client-side, then validators have to do almost nothing and have very low requirements. This unlimited number of parallelization, unstoppability, and privacy make this protocol unique.


💋 Rewarding contributions to privacy. $5,000
The prize is given to those who have thought of or implemented a way to reward privacy users (mining or airdrop). Submitting just an idea is fine, but if it is not a good idea, it is hard to beat the person who also implemented it. Rewarding users with this privacy without duplication is a simple but difficult problem, as noted in the documentation.

Qualification Requirements

Solve these problems written in the documents. You don't have to code privacy parts that use ZKP etc, and you can make these parts a black box.


Unlock secure, seamless blockchain experiences with MetaMask and Linea, your gateway to dapp innovation. We are offering a $5000 bounty for dapps deployed on Linea and seamlessly integrated into MetaMask with the MetaMask SDK and MetaMask Snaps ($2500 for 1st place, $1500 for 2nd place, and $1000 for 3rd place). Examples projects: ● Build a dapp on Linea and use the MetaMask SDK for React to seamlessly onboard users in your frontend ● Build a MetaMask Snap that reads from and interacts with your smart contract on Linea


🤝 Best use of Linea and MetaMask$5,000
1st place
2nd place
3rd place
Build a great dapp on Linea with MetaMask SDK or a great MetaMask Snap that interacts with a smart contract on Linea to qualify for this prize.

Qualification Requirements

You must have a smart contract deployed on Linea and use a MetaMask SDK package in your frontend or publish a MetaMask Snap that can be installed in MetaMask Flask to qualify for this prize.


Nouns is a community-owned brand that makes a positive impact by funding ideas and fostering collaboration. From collectors and technologists to non-profits and brands, Nouns is for everyone. In the Nouniverse, there's a popular adjective to describe things with a Nouns vibe. This includes doing good, creating positive externalities, embracing absurdity and difference, teaching people about Nouns and crypto, and having fun. In other words, anything that helps to spread Nouns and crypto adoption.


🟡 Build with $nouns$5,000
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place
We invite developers, designers, product folks, and everyone else to team up for a weekend of building, creating, experimenting, and innovating using $nouns—the Nouns fungible token backed by Noun NFTs. Hackers are encouraged to submit any project they believe will expand the use, distribution, and adoption of $nouns. Make sure always to keep the Nounish vibe (use Nouns art as a Design System)! - What is $nouns? - $nouns is an ERC-20 token that represents fractional Noun ownership. Any Noun can be deposited for 1,000,000 $nouns, and conversely, 1,000,000 $nouns can be redeemed to acquire any Noun held by the $nouns contract. - Simply put, 1 Noun = 1,000,000 $nouns. - Some ideas to build around $nouns - - Adding governance to $nouns - Fixing the liquidity issue - Better bridging (avoiding 7 day challenge window coming back to Mainnet) - Deeper data analytics - Integrating to videogames apps - Integrating to SocialFi apps - Arbitrage bot to balance liquidity pools - Check the documentation below to get started

Qualification Requirements

- Build something around $nouns that benefit its use, distribution, and adoption - Keep it nounish –e.g., fun, exciting, curious, outside of the box - Include Nouns art always, at the front and center


Vara Network is the first stand-alone layer-1 decentralized network built and running on top of Gear Protocol. It serves as an optimal playground for next-gen gaming, financial applications, experimental features, and more. Vara accommodates various modern use cases, making it an ideal choice for developers already in Web3 and those transitioning from Web2. It provides a secure, efficient, and scalable environment for deploying decentralized applications.


⚙️ Best Dapps on Vara Network$5,000
1st place
2nd place
3rd place
Build an original solution related DeFi, GameFi, ZK Proofs, or any supported standard by Vara Network.

Qualification Requirements

Its important to have a functional MVP, economic design and go to market/community strategy.


Nillion is a blind computation network that decentralizes trust for high value data in the same way that blockchains decentralized transactions.
Prize details coming soon


The communications protocol for web3, WalletConnect brings the ecosystem together by enabling wallets and apps to securely connect and interact.
Prize details coming soon


TLSNotary is a protocol for creating cryptographic proofs of authenticity for any data on the web, even your private data. It leverages the widely-used TLS (Transport Layer Security) protocol to securely and privately prove a transcript of communications took place with a webserver.


🏆 Best Overall Use Case of TLSNotary$1,677
Up to 2 teams will receive $838
Awarded to the project that demonstrates exceptional innovation, social impact, privacy, and originality in utilizing TLSNotary.

Qualification Requirements

Use TLSNotary natively (Rust) or via the Browser extension to verify user data and do something useful with it.

🔧 Prize Pool for Plugin Developers$1,036
Up to 3 teams will receive $345
Shared among projects that developed a plugin to verify user data using TLSNotary.

Qualification Requirements

Develop and use a working TLSNotary plugin for verifying user data in your project


Verify Private Data with TLSNotary Plugins

Learn how to quickly integrate TLSNotary’s new plugin system to securely verify private user (Web 2) data for your ...

This workshop is happening in-person

03:40 PM BST — Friday, Jul 12, 2024 in Workshop Room 4


Privy is the easiest way for crypto app developers to onboard their users, regardless of whether they already have wallets. We power the onboarding flow and embedded wallets for many of the most popular onchain apps, including Blackbird, Zora, OpenSea, and Friendtech.


Most engaging consumer app experience$1,000
This prize will be awarded to hackathon team that build consumer apps most likely to drive viral adoption.

Qualification Requirements

Project must be a consumer app experience using Privy for authentication or wallet infrastructure