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ETHOnline 2022
dChat bannerprizeprizeprizeprize


Messaging application with chat-based cross-chain transfers and NFT-gated chats

ETHOnline 2022
Cryptea banner


Cryptea is a Blockchain payment processing software for businesses, aimed at making Crypto payments as seamless as Cards are, today.

ETHOnline 2022
DEHIRE bannerprize


A decentralized professional network platform using blockchain technology

ETHOnline 2022
ManuFI bannerprizeprize


Create a platform that connects Lenders and Borrowers in the same space, leveraging their interactions and reputation in social media as a credit score.

ETHOnline 2022
Empact banner


A social impact platform using influencers and DAO voting mechanisms to boost social impact campaigns.

ETHOnline 2022
Unlock Protocol Subgrounds banner

Unlock Protocol Subgrounds

Unlock Protocol Subgrounds - Explore Unlock Protocol with Python and The Graph

ETHOnline 2022
Revv [Gated Esports Livestream] banner

Revv [Gated Esports Livestream]

Empowering Streamers to host exclusive livestreams for their top fans

ETHOnline 2022
Nextbooks banner


Nextbooks facilitates direct-to-creator payments through short-term textbook rental.

ETHOnline 2022
People Square banner

People Square

This is the new-age web3 base social platform for the most hardworking and consistent learners. Snapchat for learning buddy & workers!

ETHOnline 2022
DoChain banner


An application to save your documents and share them safely

ETHOnline 2022
Cashmere Labs banner

Cashmere Labs

We are building an omnichain interoperability MEV Resistant DEX Aggregator & Stableswap on LayerZero and deBridge . Swap any asset between any chain without bridging.

ETHOnline 2022
Project Aegis bannerprize

Project Aegis

Quest-based on-chain marketing automation tools. Understand your users better and keep them engaged.

ETHOnline 2022
Travel Chain bannerprizeprize

Travel Chain

Making travel and vacation booking simple for crypto holders.

ETHOnline 2022
StreamScream bannerprize


Streaming live events in a decentralised manner. Owning the events you stream.

ETHOnline 2022
VettingDAO bannerprizeprize


Letting the proposals get more research from an external DAO.

ETHOnline 2022
NullValue3.0 bannerprizeprize


Null Value 3.0 presents a learning platform to all Web3 enthusiasts and learners alike. We provide services to learn by asking questions/ doubts and getting them answered by a peer or an industry expert.

ETHOnline 2022
StringFling bannerprizeprize


A unique way to generate NFTs, this can be used by platforms to allow their users to interact and stay longer showcasing Proof-of-Work. This also makes them enjoy music.

ETHOnline 2022
Kari Protocol bannerprizeprizeprize

Kari Protocol

Direct-to-wallet advertising platform, allowing web3 companies to advertise to specific customer groups based on their on-chain assets and activities.

ETHOnline 2022
MyDonate banner


MyDonate is a fundraising platform built on blockchain that seeks to create and contribute to the giving layer of the internet with blockchain technology.

ETHOnline 2022
InsightDAO bannerprizeprize


Insights on DAO by providing a dashboard of their votings and spent.

ETHOnline 2022
WorldAds bannerprize


A public billboard where users can vote there favourite Ads using Quadratic formula . It is powered by world Id to prevent sybil resistance.

ETHOnline 2022
DeStream banner


Bridge of web2 API data like Square, Shopify, etc. to on-chain.

ETHOnline 2022
REF1699 Referrer System Standard banner

REF1699 Referrer System Standard

The Referral System Standard for NFTs Collection aims to provide a highly effective and fair method to expand growth and engagement of the community during the minting process.

ETHOnline 2022
Zero-knowledge machine learning banner

Zero-knowledge machine learning

We ZK-SNARK the first ImageNet model for fully privacy preserving model weights or image inputs

ETHOnline 2022
coquillage banner


ETH Defi Build on Yearn protocol. A simple UI for Yearn Finance.

ETHOnline 2022
gmSign banner


Self-generated NFTs using Cant Be Evil Licenses - with No Code!

ETHOnline 2022
FLOOWDY bannerprize


Flowdy provides the ability to stream or deposit into a contract and earn yield using aave using the collateral for credit delegation to pool members.

ETHOnline 2022
Numoen banner


A protocol for automated liquidity provisioning of option perpetuals.

ETHOnline 2022
Arbit bannerprizeprizeprize


An open judicial system. Describe your case, choose qualified judges, and receive a ruling

ETHOnline 2022
Supersub bannerprize


Supersubs are superfluid and tradable Subscriptions that unlock more exclusive content the longer they run.

ETHOnline 2022
W3 Citizens banner

W3 Citizens

The project gives a non-transferable ID of identity to every “real” citizen that associates its biometric data, official credentials, and wallet. Users store their credentials to interact in the physical world and to validate their identity in the virtual one.

ETHOnline 2022
Ed3zapp bannerprizeprizeprizeprizeprize


A web3 based learning platform that incentivizes both the learners and the content creators in real time.

ETHOnline 2022
ParzifaL bannerprizeprize


My project for the hackathon is centered around gamifying NFT minting, Players receive a 'secret phrase' which they use to find unique NFT items through minting from the collection. Totally random. Totally awesome.

ETHOnline 2022